Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Library closed on January 1st
In observance of New Year's Day, the library will be closed on Tuesday, January 1st.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Library Closed for Christmas
The library will be closed on Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th in observance of Christmas. Regular library hours resume on Wednesday, December 26th.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Preschool Story Time Takes a Two Week Nap for the Holidays.
Books for Sale!
In addition to their monthly, outdoor book sales, The Friends of the Library have a large selection of books for sale in the library on a daily basis. Proceeds from theses sales help support your Tulare County Library.
Prices are as follows:
Hardback books: 50 cents each
Paperback books: 50 cents each or 3 for $1
Magazines: 25 cents each or 5 for $1
Prices are as follows:
Hardback books: 50 cents each
Paperback books: 50 cents each or 3 for $1
Magazines: 25 cents each or 5 for $1
Monday, November 19, 2007
Wednesday, December 5th @ 6pm: Story Time Santa!
Wednesday, November 21st @10am: Preschool Story Time!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Library will be closed on November 22 & 23
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the library will be closed on November 22 and November 23, 2007.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Library will be closed on November 12, 2007
In observance of Veteran's Day, the Library will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2007.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Friends of the Library Meeting
The Friends of the Library meeting will be held Nov. 19th instead of Nov. 12th, because the library will be closed the 12th for Veteran's Day. The meetings are held upstairs in the lounge at 7 PM and everyone is invited to attend.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Friends of the Library Saturday Book Sale
Be sure to mark your calendar for
Saturday, November 3rd!
The Friends' book sale will be from 10:00 until 2:00 on the lawn.
There will be lots and lots of children's books at 6 for $1.00. There will be some railroad books, cook books, and lots of fiction books for $1.00 ea.
Saturday, November 3rd!
The Friends' book sale will be from 10:00 until 2:00 on the lawn.
There will be lots and lots of children's books at 6 for $1.00. There will be some railroad books, cook books, and lots of fiction books for $1.00 ea.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 24th @10am: Preschool Story Time --Frogs!--
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wednesday, October 17th @10am: Preschool Story Time--Elephants!--
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Wednesday, October 10th @10am: Preschool Story Time--Dogs!--
Monday, October 1, 2007
Wednesday, October 3rd @10:00am--preschool Story Time--Cows!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 19th @10:00 am : Preschool Story Time --Apples!--
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Pondering the Perils of the Precocious Plundering Poacher (he who poaches portions of periodicals, preempting patrons from potentially perusing pages)

An adult who-dunnit with The Irregular Theater Company will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2007 from 4 to 6pm at the Literacy Center, located at 417 North Locust Street in Visalia.
Your tax deductible donation of $25 will help support the READ TO SUCCEED Adult Literacy Program.
For more information please call 733-6445.
Your tax deductible donation of $25 will help support the READ TO SUCCEED Adult Literacy Program.
For more information please call 733-6445.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wednesday, September 12th @10:00--Preschool Story Time!--
Friday, August 31, 2007
Preschool Story Time is Back!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Preschool Story Time takes a break during the month of August.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Thursday July 19th 1-4pm: "Read to Roll!" Library Skate Party at Roller Towne!

Thursday, July 19th 1-4pm!
Make sure to go by the Children's Desk at the Visalia library this week to pick up your free pass ( free admission for 1 child and 1 adult) for the "Read to Roll", Library skate party at Roller Towne...
Join all of the Summer Reading Program kids and parents in roller skating fun.
Make sure to go by the Children's Desk at the Visalia library this week to pick up your free pass ( free admission for 1 child and 1 adult) for the "Read to Roll", Library skate party at Roller Towne...
Join all of the Summer Reading Program kids and parents in roller skating fun.
See you there! *woo-hoo*
Thursday, July 12th @1pm: Visalia Oaks Baseball Team and Mascot!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Thursday, July 5th @ 3pm: E&M Reptile Family!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
No Preschool Story Time on Wednesday, July 4th.
Thursday, June 28th @ 3pm: The Fratello Marionettes!

Coming all the way down from the bay area to share this program, the Fratello Mariettes will entertain all ages with their amazing show!
"The Fratello Marionettes produce high quality marionette shows using the cabaret style of manipulation. The shows are filled with wonderful marionettes that range in size from one foot to three feet tall! In addition to sophisticated trick marionette numbers, a performance may include singers, dancers, trained dogs, clowns, and a hula dancing grandma!"
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Library CLOSED Monday and Tuesday
The Visalia Library will be CLOSED on Monday, June 25th and Tuesday, June 26th due to construction. Visit the Visalia Library Building Project blog for more information.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
June 21st @ 3pm, Summer Reading Program: Randel McGee and his Dragon Groark!

A gifted and imaginative storyteller, writer, musician and performer, Randel McGee enthusiastically performs with his adorable puppet pal, Groark the Dragon. As a seasoned performer, Randel McGee's fast-paced, high-energy blend of stand-up comedy, witty banter, original songs, and hilarious storytelling appeals to young and old alike around the world.
For more information: Visalia Summer Reading Program 2007
For more information: Visalia Summer Reading Program 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
June 14th @ 3pm Summer Reading Program Begins!

June 14th @ 3pm: Summer Reading Program kicks off with music by performer Oklin Bloodworth! This great performance is sure to bring smiles and laughter from everyone attending.The Rotary Club will also be giving away a free book and cookie to children that sign up after the program begins that day.
For more information: Visalia Summer Reading Program 2007
For more information: Visalia Summer Reading Program 2007
Wednesday, June 13th @10:00am Preschool Story Time--Father's Day!
Preschool story time loves Fathers!
Preschoolers and parents can come to hear wonderful stories and participate in songs/fingerplays about fathers and grandfathers.
Preschoolers and parents can come to hear wonderful stories and participate in songs/fingerplays about fathers and grandfathers.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Saturday, June 2nd @10:30--Puppet Show!--
Monday, May 28, 2007
Book Sale June 2nd - New Location!
The Friends of the Tulare County Library book sale Saturday, June 2nd, will be held on the Visalia Library lawn, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Look for us on the N.E. corner, near Locust and the alley. We will have lots of books - fiction, non-fiction, and lots and lots of children's books!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Library closed mornings of May 29th and 30th
The Visalia Library will open 2 hours later on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 29th and 30th. On these days the library will be open from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm. Work on the roof of the 1936 building will be done during this time. Check the Visalia Library Building Project blog for more information about the construction.
Preschool Story Time Cancelled
Due to building construction, the library will be closed the morning of May 30th and we will not be having preschool story time on that day.
We will have story time again on June 6th @10am (The Firemen are coming to the library for a visit...*yay!*)
Preschool Story Time Cancelled
Due to building construction, the library will be closed the morning of May 30th and we will not be having preschool story time on that day.
We will have story time again on June 6th @10am (The Firemen are coming to the library for a visit...*yay!*)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Library Closed Thursday, May 17.
The Library will be closed Thursday, May 17. On this day movers will be moving some furniture and books into storage to help us prepare for upcoming construction to the library.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Friends of the Library Book Sale
Wednesday, May 9th @ 10am: Preschool Story Time--Mother's Day!--
Preschool story time loves mothers!*
Preschoolers and parents can come to hear wonderful stories and participate in songs/fingerplays about mothers and grandmothers. There will also be a special Mother's Day craft for the children to create and give to their mom!
* Don't worry will be loved in June. :)
Wednesday, May 2nd @ 10am: Preschool Story Time--Cinco de Mayo!--
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
National Library Week and National Volunteer Week! April 15th - 21st
National Library Week is the time each year that the American Library Association and communities nationwide celebrate and promote the contributions of our libraries and library staff. It is also National Volunteer Week and our libraries will honor their volunteers this week.
Saturday, April 21st, the Friends of the Tulare County Library will hold the drawing for their literary baskets, and there will be a display of children’s books placed in the library in honor of each of our 48 library volunteers.
Saturday, April 21st, the Friends of the Tulare County Library will hold the drawing for their literary baskets, and there will be a display of children’s books placed in the library in honor of each of our 48 library volunteers.
Children's Reading Fair - Saturday, April 21 2007
Come visit the library's booth this Saturday, April 21 from 10 - 3, at the Visalia Mall for Read for Life's Children's Reading Fair. Children can fish for a duck and win a book or other prize. Find out more about library services and meet our friendly library and early literacy team staff.
Clases en Espanol de Computadoras
Jueves, 03 mayo 2007
Introduccion a la computadora en Espanol:
Topicos incluyen...como usar el raton, introduccion a las aplicaciones WORD y el internet.
Introduction to computers in Spanish: topics to use the mouse, introduction to MS WORD and the internet.
Llame al salon de computadoras para mas informacion /Contact the Computer Lab for more information 559-733-6954 ext 224
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Wednesday, April 18th @ 10am: Preschool Story Time--bugs!--
Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
Preschoolers and parents can come and hear wonderful stories and participate in songs/fingerplays about insects. There will also be a bug craft for the children to enjoy!
Preschoolers and parents can come and hear wonderful stories and participate in songs/fingerplays about insects. There will also be a bug craft for the children to enjoy!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Wednesday, April 4th @ 10am: Preschool Story Time--Easter!--

Preschoolers and parents can come and hear wonderful stories and participate in songs/fingerplays about Easter and rabbits. There will also be a small egg hunt and goodies to enjoy* (for children 2-4 years of age) during the program. Hop on in!
*The library will also have a couple of Easter treat bags for diabetic children.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friends of the Library Literary Basket Drawing

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Read -A -Thon and Friend's Book Sale April 7th
The Literacy Center will hold it's annual Read-A-Thon during the next Friend's Book Sale in the courtyard at the Visalia Library. The combined event is Saturday, April 7th from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Come and shop for books and listen to the Literacy Center Readers.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
In & Out Hamburger's Children's Reading Program
Between March 10th- April 21, children between the ages of 4-12 can receive a free hamburger, cheeseburger or grilled cheese* from In & Out Hamburgers for every five books that they read. To get more information about this program and sign up for your reading log, please visit the Children's Desk.
You can also contact the Children's Desk for more information: 733-6954 x 209
*The library will also offer non-food prizes for those interested.
You can also contact the Children's Desk for more information: 733-6954 x 209
*The library will also offer non-food prizes for those interested.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Main Visalia Branch School Visits
The Visalia Main Branch has extended its scheduling of class/group visits through the end of March 2007 due to construction. Schools/groups interested in scheduling a group visit to the library should contact Valerie Voss at the Children's Desk to schedule any group visit (in accordance with the Tulare County Library Class Visiting Policy due to space limitations). Dates are in demand and limited, so please be forgiving if you're unable to get your class visit in this year. We will do our best to try and host as many group visits possible within our staffing/safety limitations. Library cards will not be issued during class visits. Teachers/group leaders are encouraged to pick up applications in advance and have the students come in with their parents to receive a library card prior to their class visit or the teacher/group leader can just send home applications on the day of the visit.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Wednesday, March 21st @10am--Spring is Here!-- Preschool Story Time!
Come and enjoy wonderful stories, songs and a special Spring inspired craft.
Wednesday, March 14th @10am--St.Patrick's Day-- Preschool Story Time!
Come and enjoy wonderful stories, songs and a special craft in honor of St. Patrick's Day and the color green!
Wednesday, March 7th @10am-- Preschool Story Time!
Come and enjoy wonderful stories, songs and craft.
This week theme: the color orange
This week theme: the color orange
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
On April 3, 2007, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors will announce at their 9am meeting that Saturday, April 7th is officially ADULT LITERACY DAY. We invite tutors and learners to join us at that meeting to represent adult literacy throughout Tulare County.
We invite you to support the Adult Literacy Day events by participating in our annual READ A THON 2007. This fundraiser will be held at TULARE COUNTY LIBRARY VISALIA BRANCH this year on Saturday, 7 April, 2007 from 10-2pm. We have two objectives in mind. First, we hope to continue to raise awareness among the general population that there are programs available to provide free one-on-one tutoring to assist adults to learn to read or read better. Second, this is a fundraiser as well as a “friend raiser” for our READ TO SUCCEED Program. We invite tutors, learners and community supporters to read for fifteen minutes from a chosen book. The reader will get sponsors to donate money for each minute he or she reads. Additionally, each reader will receive a FREE copy of the selected book.
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR with these events and let us know which you plan to attend and support. We need your help to make these successful! Call us at 733-6445 with questions, suggestions or sign-ups.
On April 3, 2007, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors will announce at their 9am meeting that Saturday, April 7th is officially ADULT LITERACY DAY. We invite tutors and learners to join us at that meeting to represent adult literacy throughout Tulare County.
We invite you to support the Adult Literacy Day events by participating in our annual READ A THON 2007. This fundraiser will be held at TULARE COUNTY LIBRARY VISALIA BRANCH this year on Saturday, 7 April, 2007 from 10-2pm. We have two objectives in mind. First, we hope to continue to raise awareness among the general population that there are programs available to provide free one-on-one tutoring to assist adults to learn to read or read better. Second, this is a fundraiser as well as a “friend raiser” for our READ TO SUCCEED Program. We invite tutors, learners and community supporters to read for fifteen minutes from a chosen book. The reader will get sponsors to donate money for each minute he or she reads. Additionally, each reader will receive a FREE copy of the selected book.
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR with these events and let us know which you plan to attend and support. We need your help to make these successful! Call us at 733-6445 with questions, suggestions or sign-ups.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Spanish Computer Class
Tulare County library is offering a Spanish Computer class on March 01, 2007 @ 1:00pm.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 21st @10am--Chinese New Year-- Preschool Story Time!
Come and enjoy wonderful stories, songs and a special craft in honor of the Chinese New Year!
Friday, February 9, 2007
Wednesday, February 14th @10am-- Valentine's Day Preschool Story Time!
Come and enjoy wonderful preschool age stories and songs in honor of Valentine's Day!
Optional activity* after stories:
Children will be decorating construction paper envelopes and filling each other's envelopes with the valentines they have brought from home (expecting around 60-75 children [two boxes of store bought $1 box or homemade cards]). While this craft/Valentine exchange is a little more work (homework) than our regular's always a big hit with the children! :)
* no class/large groups allowed during this session due to space limitations.
Optional activity* after stories:
Children will be decorating construction paper envelopes and filling each other's envelopes with the valentines they have brought from home (expecting around 60-75 children [two boxes of store bought $1 box or homemade cards]). While this craft/Valentine exchange is a little more work (homework) than our regular's always a big hit with the children! :)
* no class/large groups allowed during this session due to space limitations.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Wednesday, February 7th @10:00- Preschool Story Time! Theme: African American History Month
Come and enjoy wonderful stories, songs and a special craft in honor of February being African-American History Month. :)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
'Free' Public Computer Classes
Visalia Branch of the Tulare County Library System conducts 'free' computer classes.
Check out February 2007 schedule.
Check out February 2007 schedule.
February 3 - Friends of the Library BOOK SALE
Saturday, February 3, the Tulare County Friends of the Library will be holding their monthly book sale in the courtyard of the Visalia Library. Directions
Monday, January 29, 2007
In & Out Reading Incentive Program
Coming Soon...
In & Out Reading Incentive Program.
Runs March 10 - April 21st.
(no early sign-ups)
More Information soon...
In & Out Reading Incentive Program.
Runs March 10 - April 21st.
(no early sign-ups)
More Information soon...
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