Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Library Hours Starting August 10th, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009
Friends of the Library Book Sale
Friday, July 24, 2009
Preschool Story Time takes a nap during the month of August.
Thursday, July 30th 1-4 p.m.: "Read to Roll" Library Skate Party at Roller Towne!

Thursday, July 30th @ 11a.m.--Children's Summer Reading Program--Oklin Bloodworth!!!

Summer Reading Program--Movie and Wii Time!--Monday, July 27th

This weeks movie: Nanny McPhee!
Description: Get out of the heat and enjoy a great movie inside the cool new Children's Wing of the Tulare County Library!Enjoy a free movie every Saturday and Monday afternoon @ 2pm.
Other: Due to floor seating, children might want to bring a pillow with them.
Parents must stay with children during program times.
Summer Reading Program--Movie Time!--Saturday, July 25th @ 2pm--Happy feet!!!

Date: Saturday, July 20th
Description: Get out of the heat and enjoy a great movie inside the cool new Children's Wing of the Tulare County Library!Enjoy a free movie every Saturday and Monday afternoon @ 2pm.
Other: Due to floor seating, children might want to bring a pillow with them.
Parents must stay with children during program times.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday, July 23rd @ 3p.m.--Wild Child Adventures!

Thursday July 23rd @11a.m- Randel McGee and Groark!!!

Date: Thursday, July 23rd
Time: 11a.m
The hilarious antics and frolicking high energy of Randel McGee's pal Groark the Dragon® leaves the audience in stitches. This perfect comedic pair has been together for over 27 years; in fact they have become inseparable (at least on stage). People quickly relate to this loveable yet mischievous dragon as he stumbles through the mishaps of life. Randel McGee is always close by his side to point him in the right direction when he goes off course.
These two also make beautiful music together. With Groark being the only guitar-playing dragon that we know of, this musical duo has people cheering for more and singing for days.
As a seasoned performer, Randel McGee's fast-paced, high-energy blend of stand-up comedy, witty banter, original songs, and hilarious storytelling, appeals to young and old alike around the world.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Monday, July 20th--Children's Summer Reading Program--Wii Time and Movie!!!

Saturday July 18th @2pm- Nancy Drew!!!

Start Time: 2:00 PM
Description:Get out of the heat and enjoy a great movie inside the cool new Children's Wing of the Tulare County Library!Enjoy a free movie every Saturday and Monday afternoon @ 2pm.
Other:Due to floor seating, children might want to bring a pillow with them.Parent must stay with children during program times.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Literacy Advocate Award Winner Announced

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 16th @ 11a.m. & 3p.m.--Children's Summer Reading Program--Boswick the Clown!!!

Be Creative @ The Visalia Library!
Children's Summer Reading Program 2009
Boswick the Clown
Thursday, July 16th
Two shows: 11am & 3p.m.
Kids Laugh With Former Ringling Brother's Clown Boswick!
Enjoy the antics of Boswick The Clown, a former Ringling Brother's Circus Clown. The show is a fun way to introduce youngsters to the joy of reading. There will be magic and juggling packaged in comedy.
The Show begins with an explanation of how a circus clown gets ready - by putting his make up in front of the children.
The children then create "the reading circus", where we have wild animals (the children), jugglers (the children), acrobats (the children) and magicians (the children). Very silly, very fun.
Boswick is the star of the Children's movie, "Here Comes The Clown", available on DVD, at over 500 libraries across the U.S. and Canada.
Parent must stay with their children during program times. No groups or daycare visits are allowed during our program times.
July 13th &14th @1p.m.--Teen Summer Reading Program--Harry Potter Movie Marathon!!!

Description: What would happen if you watched all of the Harry Potter movies in a row? Would you go batty and think you lived at Hogwarts...? Would you crave nasty jellybeans? Would you curl up in a ball and not talk for a week?
Monday July 13th--Wii Time and Movie--Kung Fu Panda!!!

Wii time:12:30pm-1:30pm
This weeks movie: Kung Fu Panda!
Date: Monday, July 13th, 2009
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Description:Get out of the heat and enjoy a great movie inside the cool new Children's Wing of the Tulare County Library!Enjoy a free movie every Saturday and Monday afternoon @ 2pm.
Other:Due to floor seating, children might want to bring a pillow with them.
Parents must stay with children during program times.
Children's Summer Reading Program Saturday Movie--July 11th @ 2pm--Spiderwick!

Spiderwick Chronicles!
Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009 Start Time: 2:00 PM
Get out of the heat and enjoy a great movie inside the cool new Children's Wing of the Tulare County Library!Enjoy a free movie every Saturday and Monday afternoon @ 2pm.
Due to floor seating, children might want to bring a pillow with them.
Parent must stay with children during program times.