Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 2nd @ 10AM: Preschool Storytime!

Tuesday, March 1st @ 10AM: Baby/Toddler Time!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 23rd @ 10AM: Preschool Storytime!
Tuesday, February 22nd @ 10AM: Baby/Toddler Time!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
"First Tuesday Book Club" Meeting, March 1

This book club is just one of several ongoing free events planned for our adult library users. To see a complete schedule of events, please visit the library web site's Free Adult Programs page.
Independent Film Night, February 17

Film Synopsis: "An 83 year-old man returns to Germany for a long planned journey of atonement. When Ross, his useless son agrees to drive him there, a nightmare family road trip ensues." - Internet Movie Database, 2011
Independent Film Night is just one of several ongoing, free events planned for our adult library users. To see a complete schedule of events, please visit the library web site's Free Adult Programs.
Mystery Readers' Meeting, February 16

Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 16th @ 10AM: Preschool Storytime!
Tuesday, February 15th @ 10AM: Baby/Toddler Time!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Branch Libraries Opening Late, February 11
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Earlimart & Ivanhoe Branches Closed for Construction

The Earlimart and Ivanhoe Branches will be closed from February 4th until mid-July, due to U.S.D.A. grant-funded rehabilitation of these buildings. These communities will be served by the Tulare County Bookmobile at the following times:
Earlimart: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00am – 4:00pm (closed 12:30-1:00 lunch break)
Ivanhoe: Thursday 10:00am – 5:00pm (closed 12:30-1:00 lunch break)

The Tulare County Library Read to Succeed program will host Grant Writing 101, a one day workshop, on Saturday, February 26, 2011.
This seven-hour training will be presented by ‘Changing Career Concepts,’ a private training company, from 9 am until 4 pm, with a 30-minute lunch period. Cost is $75, and all proceeds will go to support the Read to Succeed Literacy activities.
Registration is limited to 12 attendees and must be paid in full to complete sign up. Checks must be made out to Tulare County Library Foundation – Literacy. The seminar will be held at the Literacy Center at 417 N. Locust Street in Visalia. Call 559-713-2745 for further information and to reserve a space for the seminar.

Heather Freitas, Self Sufficiency Counselor III for HHSA’s Visalia’s District Office, received the Literacy Advocate award today. Jeff Scott, Tulare County Deputy Librarian, presented the quarterly award on behalf of the Library’s Read to Succeed Literacy program. In making the award, Mr. Scott said, “Heather has been a leader in encouraging her clients to take advantage of the literacy program’s services. Your support and efforts show that you care about those you serve and are committed to making a difference in their lives.”
The honor was designed for HHSA counselors and specialists who have referred their clients to a joint program developed by HHSA and the Library Literacy Center. Mrs. Freitas is a five-time winner of the award.
The program is designed to better equip HHSA clients in finding and keeping employment. It is unique in its focus. The Literacy Center provides one-on-one tutoring, which is particularly successful with individuals who do poorly in a classroom setting. At the same time, HHSA counselors like Mrs. Freitas make sure clients have the practical necessities, such as child care or bus tokens, to ensure their participation.
In addition to Mr. Scott, the presentation today was attended by HHSA administration representatives Donna Ortiz, TulareWORKS Division Manager; Karen Hansen, Employment Services Unit Manager, and Jackie Whitney, HHSA Visalia Office Unit Manager. The staff of Mrs. Freitas’ unit also attending the ceremony were Supervisor Jessica Duran, and Self Sufficiency Counselors Alma Landeros, Roseanne Dicochea and Martha Knight.
More than 200 referrals have been made to the program by HHSA staff from the five TulareWORKS offices in Tulare County.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 9th @ 10AM: Preschool Storytime - Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 8th @ 10AM: Baby/Toddler Time!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Earlimart and Ivanhoe Branches Closed Temporarily

The Earlimart and Ivanhoe branches will be closed from February 4th until April 28th due to U.S.D.A. grant-funded rehabilitation of these buildings.
These communities will be served by the Tulare County Bookmobile at the following times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am – 4pm (closed for lunch from 12:30pm - 1pm)
Thursday: 10:00am – 5:00pm (closed for lunch from 12:30pm - 1:00pm)