Family Fun @ the Visalia Library!!!
Join us every Friday for free Kinect gaming, movies and over 18 board games that families can enjoy playing together!
When: Every Friday 1:30pm-5:30pm
Movie starts @ 2pm & 4pm in homework roomThis week's movie: Yogi Bear
(children might want to bring pillows or something comfortable to rest on during the movie.)
Kinect game of the day: Kinect Sports
Board Games available to play in Children's Wing:
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Candy Land, Chess, Checkers and Backgammon, Chutes and Ladders, Clue, Connect 4, Dominoes, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Go Fish card game, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Memory, Regular playing cards, Scrabble, Scrabble Slam card game, Skip-Bo, Sorry!, Uno, Wits and Wagers
Cost: Free!!!
Where: The Children's Wing of the Tulare County Library Visalia Branch
Who: Children, teens and parents (adults must be with a child in order to attend this program)
*Parents must stay with children under the age of 14.
*No group or daycare visits are allowed during our program times.Please call in advance to schedule a group visit.For further information or to schedule a group visit, call the Children's Dept. 713.2732