Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Three Rivers Presents "California Valley Quail," June 18

California Quail - Callipepla californica
Our Three Rivers Branch Library will be hosting its June community program, "California Valley Quail: Devoted Fathers, Brood Patches, Talking Eggs and Their Mortal Enemy the Coopers Hawk," on Thursday June 18th at 6:30pm.

Carol Clum will bring photographs of adult female and male quail, two males fights, quail eggs, newly hatched chicks and a brood patch on a female. She will describe their life cycle, feeding habits, nesting environments and their unique calls. The effect of our current drought on the quail will also be discussed.

Children welcome!

Three Rivers Branch Library is located at 42052 Eggers Dr., Three Rivers, CA 93271-0216. Please call 
(559) 561-4564 or visit the Three Rivers Library page for more information.