Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Great Stuffed Animal Sleepover @ the Visalia Branch, Oct 3rd

Children ages 3 and up are invited to bring their favorite stuffed animal, doll, or toy to the Visalia Branch Library for a special storytime night!

Thursday, October 3rd
Check-In begins at 6:30pm
Storytime at 7pm

After storytime, leave your stuffed animal for a fun-filled night of adventure (that the librarians will capture on camera.) Pick up your stuffed animal the next day, and see what they did at the library!

Please, only one stuffed animal per child. Families are welcome to attend the storytime even without a stuffed animal. Stuffed animals and photos will be available for pick-up Friday, October 4th, between 2pm and 5:45pm.

If you need more information, please call the Children's Desk at (559) 713-2731.